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Please join us on our amazing journey of hope. 

You can make a difference.

Linking Lives:  Advancing Social Services in Ethiopia

5150 Broadway, Box 486

San Antonio, TX   78209   USA


Linking Lives is an international non-governmental organization (NGO) whose mission is to advance social service programs in developing countries, most particularly, Ethiopia.


We are committed to supporting, enhancing and expanding the delivery of medical care as well as mental health care in Ethiopia. 


Since 2005, we have participated in funding medical training in several leading medical schools in Addis Ababa in the fields of Substance Abuse Treatment and Recovery, HIV/AIDS care, Hospice Care, and nursing skills 


Linking Lives funds care for women with Obstetric Fistula and programs designed to educate communities about the causes and effects of FIstula.


All of our projects were initiated by several leading Ethiopian physicians who are guiding the development of medical care in their country. 


  • Members of the Board of Linking Lives have attended meetings of the Ethiopian Public Health Association (EPHA), the African Psychiatric Association as well as local medical meetings, conferences and international training events held in Addis Ababa.


  • We have coordinated and provided training, personnel and materials for nurses at ALERT Hospital who care for patients living with HIV/AIDS.


  • We have provided funding, training and materials as well as personnel for the only two alcoholism and substance abuse treatment centers in the country.


  • We work with several Ethiopian psychiatrists and medical doctors at the Addis Ababa University Faculty of Medicine (AAU/FOM) as well as the St. Paul's Hospital Millennium Medical College and three other primary Ethiopian hospitals to establish priorities for on-going and future projects.


  • Since 2007, we have funded the salaries and training for ten Adherence Supporters at ALERT Hospital. They were diagnosed HIV+, followed their medication protocol and were hand picked to provide assistance to the medical doctors who care for newly diagnosed HIV+ patients.  They bring hope and understanding to the patients and their families as no other caregivers can.


  • We are working with the only Hospice care center in Ethiopia to enhance palliative care given to patients and provide training in the medical colleges for health care professionals.


  • We work closely with The Trampled Rose, an Ethiopian NGO, providing medical care for women with fistula. In addition, the Trampled Rose supports edcuation for  rural communities about fistula.  By keeping girls in school and training the communities, international caregivers hope for the eradication of fistula. 

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